Top "Ord" questions

ord() is a function in Python and PHP, which returns an ASCII code point (integer) of a given character (string of length one).

Python - Increment Characters in a String by 1

I've searched on how to do this in python and I can't find an answer. If you have a string: &…

python chr ord
shifting letters using ord and chr

I am trying to do a function that shifts each letter in each word to the right by value and …

python function shift chr ord
Using ord() to convert letters to ints (Very basic)

Python beginner here. Trying to learn by reading code here and there. Came across this in a program designed to …

python excel ord
How do I implement Ord for a struct?

I've seen a question similar to this one, but no one that tells me exactly how to implement Ord for …

rust ord
python how to compute a simple checksum as quickly as zlib.adler32

I wish to compute a simple checksum : just adding the values of all bytes. The quickest way I found is: …

python sum byte checksum ord
How to get ASCII cyrillic character code in Python?

ord() returns unicode code, and I need ascii. >>> s = "Йог" #cyrillic >>> for char in s: ... …

python unicode ascii cyrillic ord
Python: get int value from a char string

This is one of those silly questions and I don't really know how to formulate it, so I'll give an …

python char chr ord