Top "Cyrillic" questions

For questions about code that deals with any kind of Cyrillic (including the original Cyrillic script and the modern Cyrillic alphabets, such as the Russian alphabet).

VBA - Convert string to UNICODE

I need to convert the string HTML from a mix of Cyrillic and Latin symbols to UNICODE. I tried the …

vba unicode cyrillic
Unable to print russian characters

I have a russian string which i have encoded to UTF-8 String str = "\u041E\u041A"; System.out.println("…

java string encoding utf-8 cyrillic
MySQL - Russian characters display incorectly

I have to make an russian version of a website, but I can't find out, how to insert russian characters …

mysql encoding cyrillic
HTML in Russian

I have to design a Russian version of a web. I get the text from a translator. I copy it …

html utf-8 dreamweaver cyrillic
mb_convert_encoding for russian in php

how to convert Russian character to utf-8 in PHP using mb_convert_encoding or any other method?

php utf-8 character-encoding cyrillic
Detect Russian / cyrillic in Javascript string?

I'm trying to detect if a string contains Russian (cyrillic) characters or not. I'm using this code: term.match(/[\wа…

javascript regex encoding cyrillic
HTML5 Encoding & Cyrillic

Something that made me curious - supposedly the default character encoding in HTML5 is UTF-8. However if I have a …

html character-encoding cyrillic
Fastest way to encode cyrillic letters for url

If you copy the link below into the browserБеларусь it will show the Wiki article. …

javascript string url hex cyrillic
regexp with russian lang

I can't solve my problem with regexp. Ok, when i type: $string = preg_replace("#\[name=([a-zA-Z0-9 .-]+)*]#","$name_start $1 $…

php regex unicode cyrillic
'Wide character in subroutine entry" - UTF-8 encoded cyrillic words as sequence of bytes

I am working on an Android word game with a large dictionary - The words (over 700 000) are kept as separate …

perl unicode utf-8 md5 cyrillic