Top "Optimization" questions

Optimization is the act of improving a method or design.

Position of least significant bit that is set

I am looking for an efficient way to determine the position of the least significant bit that is set in …

c++ c optimization bit-manipulation
MYSQL OR vs IN performance

I am wondering if there is any difference in regards to performance between the following SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE someFIELD IN(1,2,3,4) …

mysql sql performance optimization
Fastest implementation of sine, cosine and square root in C++ (doesn't need to be much accurate)

I am googling the question for past hour, but there are only points to Taylor Series or some sample code …

c++ math optimization trigonometry
Which is better, number(x) or parseFloat(x)?

Which is better? I'm asking this just for the sake of shaving a few bytes, as I can use +x …

javascript optimization
Performance optimization strategies of last resort

There are plenty of performance questions on this site already, but it occurs to me that almost all are very …

performance optimization language-agnostic
What is better: multiple "if" statements or one "if" with multiple conditions?

For my work I have to develop a small Java application that parses very large XML files (~300k lines) to …

java optimization if-statement multiple-conditions
How can I display the execution plan for a stored procedure?

I am able to view the Estimated Execution Plan (Management Studio 9.0) for a query without a problem but when it …

sql-server stored-procedures optimization ssms
Specifying size of enum type in C

Already read through this related question, but was looking for something a little more specific. Is there a way to …

c optimization enums word-size
Dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules

I used the following piece of code to read data from files as part of a larger program. double data_…

c optimization gcc pointers strict-aliasing
What columns generally make good indexes?

As a follow up to "What are indexes and how can I use them to optimise queries in my database?" …

sql-server database optimization database-design indexing