Top "Optimization" questions

Optimization is the act of improving a method or design.

Most efficient way to make the first character of a String lower case?

What is the most efficient way to make the first character of a String lower case? I can think of …

java string performance optimization
Best way to loop over a python string backwards

What is the best way to loop over a python string backwards? The following seems a little awkward for all …

python string optimization iterator reverse
Python fastest way to read a large text file (several GB)

i have a large text file (~7 GB). I am looking if exist the fastest way to read large text file. …

python performance optimization line chunking
SQL Server indexes - ascending or descending, what difference does it make?

When you create an index on a column or number of columns in MS SQL Server (I'm using version 2005), you …

sql sql-server optimization indexing
MySql views performance

If you are going down the road of using views, how can you ensure good performance? Or is it better …

mysql database performance optimization views
String concatenation without '+' operator

I was playing with python and I realized we don't need to use '+' operator to concatenate strings unless …

python string optimization concatenation string-concatenation
PostgreSQL temporary tables

I need to perform a query 2.5 million times. This query generates some rows which I need to AVG(column) and …

performance postgresql optimization temp-tables
How to remove duplicates based on a key in Mongodb?

I have a collection in MongoDB where there are around (~3 million records). My sample record would look like, { "_id" = ObjectId("50731…

mongodb optimization duplicates key
What are copy elision and return value optimization?

What is copy elision? What is (named) return value optimization? What do they imply? In what situations can they occur? …

c++ optimization c++-faq return-value-optimization copy-elision