Top "Openscad" questions

Way to round edges of objects opensCAD

Is there an easy way/function to round edges for an openscad object? e.g. round the edges of the …

Running OpenGL on windows server 2012 R2

This should be straightforward, but for some reason I can't make it work. I hired a Softlayer Bare Metal Server …

opengl windows-server-2012-r2 openscad
Sed error "command a expects \ followed by text"

Here is my script: openscad $1 -D generate=1 -o $1.csg 2>&1 >/dev/null | sed 's/ECHO: \"\[LC\] //' | sed …

bash sed openscad
How to modify imported .stl files in OpenSCAD?

Is there anyway to go about importing STL files into OpenSCAD with the ability to modify them? For instance, the …
