Top "Oozie" questions

Oozie is a workflow/coordination system to manage Hadoop Map Reduce jobs

Oozie + Sqoop: JDBC Driver Jar Location

I have a 6 node cloudera based hadoop cluster and I'm trying to connect to an oracle database from a sqoop …

hadoop dependencies cloudera sqoop oozie
Which one to choose Apache Oozie or Apache Airflow? Need a comparison

I am new to job schedulers and was looking out for one to run jobs on big data cluster. I …

jobs oozie airflow airflow-scheduler
Oozie stuck in PREP state

I have a problem with running oozie coordinator jobs. Below is my job properties and xml file codes. While submitting …

hadoop oozie oozie-coordinator
Oozie Job Error - configuration is not specified

I have created one oozie workflow for hive script to load data in a table. My workflow.xml contains - &…

hadoop hdfs oozie
Oozie workflow: Hive table not found but it does exist

I got a oozie workflow, running on a CDH4 cluster of 4 machines (one master-for-everything, three "dumb" workers). The hive metastore …

hive cloudera oozie
Oozie job configuration app directory not found on HDFS

I installed a pseudo-distributed version of Cloudera on my Linux box, and ran some simple MapReduce examples with success. However, …

hadoop workflow hdfs cloudera oozie
Executing Sqoops using Oozie

I have 2 Sqoops that loads data from HDFS to MySQL. I want to execute them using Oozie. I have seen …

hadoop sqoop oozie
Error: E0902: Exception occured: [User: Root is not allowed to impersonate root

I am trying to follow the steps given at Note: I am not …

hadoop oozie oozie-coordinator
Concurrency in running Oozie workflow: how many and how to throttle

Let us say we have a Oozie workflow that has a copy action node then a Shell action node. Can …

concurrency oozie throttling
Handling loops in oozie workflow

I have an oozie use case for checking input data availability and trigger mapreduce job based on availability of data. …

hadoop oozie