Top "Oozie" questions

Oozie is a workflow/coordination system to manage Hadoop Map Reduce jobs

oozie -- Output data exceeds its limit [2048]

I am trying to run a simple workflow executing a hive script. This hive script just calls joining(tables is …

hive oozie
Running Oozie actions in parallel

I am using the workflow editor in Hue to develop an Oozie workflow. There are a few action that should …

hadoop oozie hue
oozie timezone settings

i am new to oozie and having problem in changing oozie default time zone. I am writing oozie coordinator job …

What is difference between Oozie workflow, coordinator and bundle

What is difference between Oozie workflow, coordinator and bundle ? Oozie workflow defines a sequence of actions. And we need to …

hadoop scheduler oozie oozie-coordinator
Oozie shell action memory limit

We have an oozie workflow with a shell action that needs more memory than what a map task is given …

oozie yarn
Getting current time in oozie workflow

I've a use case where I need to pass the current date from oozie workflow to pig script. I know …

hadoop oozie
how to use logical operators in OOZIE workflow

i have a oozie workflow im using decision control node in the predicate i want to "&&" two different …

hadoop controls workflow oozie
Hadoop job fails, Resource Manager doesnt recognize AttemptID

Im trying to aggregate some data in an Oozie workflow. However the aggregation step fails. I found two points of …

hadoop mapreduce oozie
How do I pass arguments to an Oozie action using oozie.launcher.action.main.class?

Oozie has a config property called oozie.launcher.action.main.class where you can pass in the name of a "…

hadoop oozie cascading
How to schedule a sqoop action using oozie

I am new to Oozie, Just wondering - How do I schedule a sqoop job using Oozie. I know sqoop …
