Top "Onload" questions

'onload' is a JavaScript event that is run when a document is loaded.

Can I run jQuery function and on load and on change?

I want to run a script on page load first time (for default value of select element), and then on …

jquery events onload
how to check dojo.datagrid loading completed?

I have a dojo.datagrid in one of my pages. Datagrid and its store(by calling an URL) are created …

dojo onload dojox.grid.datagrid
How to use jQuery live() for img onload event?

I want to run some code when an image is loaded. Also, I'd like to do it unobtrusively (not inline). …

javascript html onload jquery
substr() with negative value not working in IE

EDIT:I've changed the title, because the issue had nothing to do with IE image.load() firing - my substr() …

javascript onload explorer slice substr
Javascript onload and script callback functions, which takes the precedence?

I'm loading an external script that uses callback function, which returns some specific data. If this data is not received …

javascript callback onload onerror external-script
onload in iframes not working, if iframe have non-html document in src (pdf or text)

I have iframe with onload handler: <iframe id="FrameForPrintVersion" src="" border="0" style="height:0; width:0; visibility:hidden;" onload = 'frameOnload()' &…

javascript iframe onload
selenium webdriver takes too long to load a page

I use PhantomJS as my webdriver. Sometimes it takes too long to load a webpage but I don't know why …

python selenium webdriver phantomjs onload
Is there any event after Loaded and before showing the user control?

I'm loading user controls in a specific grid in our application and I'm adding animations to the loading user controls …

wpf user-controls onload
will HTML <body> onLoad events overwrite javascript window onload event?

I have a HTML page and a javascript function is attached to the <body> onLoad event. I wanted …

javascript onload
Anyway to change href of link with no id and no jquery?

I'm working with a client and I'm only allowed to use javascript (don't ask why as I have no idea). …

javascript onload onload-event