Top "One-to-many" questions

one-to-many is relationship between two different object properties.

Both One-To-One and One-To-Many relationships in Entity Framework 5 Code First

i tried the whole day to get this working. I learned a lot about EF's Fluent API (e.g. this …

c# ef-code-first one-to-many entity-framework-5 one-to-one
Hibernate SerializationException

In my database, I have three tables: Hotels, Facilities and Images. Hotels table has "One to Many Relationship" with both …

java hibernate deserialization one-to-many hibernate-onetomany
Hibernate retrieve null for OneToMany collection

My problem is that hibernate retrieve null in the value of the @OneToMany Set organizationMemberCollection when fetching an instance on …

java hibernate one-to-many hibernate-onetomany
Can a junction table (join table) also be used for a one-to-many relationship?

According to the definition, a Junction Table (bridge table/link table) is used for many-to-many relationships, when used like this: …

many-to-many database one-to-many junction-table
JPA: SQL Error: 1062, SQLState: 23000 ERROR: Duplicate entry:

i'm trying to teach myself a little bit Java and JPA and now is the point where nothing happens since …

java jpa one-to-many persist mysql-error-1062
SQL Server : flatten results from One to Many query

OK, I have a system where orders get entered, and each order can have any number of bond, job and …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008 one-to-many flatten