Top "One-to-many" questions

one-to-many is relationship between two different object properties.

Can't get hibernate to delete children instances via cascade, that were removed from a one-to-many relation

slight problem here: I have two entity classes, let's say class Parent { Set<Child> children; } class Child { SomethingElse …

java hibernate one-to-many cascade all-delete-orphan
Show a one to many relationship as 2 columns - 1 unique row (ID & comma separated list)

I need something similar to these 2 SO questions, but using Informix SQL syntax. Concatenate several fields into one with SQL …

sql concatenation one-to-many informix group-concat
How to select parent row only if has at least one child?

I have a simple one-to-many relationship. I would like to select rows from the parent only when they have at …

sql select mysql one-to-many
@MappedSuperclass and @OneToMany

I need association @OneToMany from Country to superclass Place (@MappedSuperclass). It could be bidirectional. I would need something like @OneToAny. @…

java hibernate annotations one-to-many mappedsuperclass
NHibernate select top N with condition on children using fetch

I have simple User entity: public class User { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual DateTime CreationDate { get; set; } …

sql-server linq nhibernate one-to-many top-n
Hibernate: bi-directional one-to-many with one as parent

I'm trying to setup a bi-directional one-to-many relationship with "one" as parent I have a parent: @Entity public class VideoOnDemand { @…

hibernate one-to-many bidirectional
Hibernate "Provided id of the wrong type expected Long, got class DelayedPostInsertIdentifier" exception

In short: When I try to add New(Unsaved) Entities to one-to-many set of the saved parent, after calling Merge …

java hibernate one-to-many hibernate-onetomany
How to map an ArrayList of primitives to a single column?

Let's say I have the following situation: Object Car has an ArrayList of prices, which are all numbers. Is it …

hibernate many-to-many one-to-many
Hibernate Composite Key Using Annotation , Having One Foreign Key

I googled it but could't found any solution I Two classes and they have One-to-Many relation, …

hibernate one-to-many composite-key hibernate-annotations mappingexception
Value object or entity object in my Hibernate mapping?

I'm trying to design a pretty simple app and am getting myself a bit confused with Hibernate's definition of entity …

hibernate orm entity one-to-many value-objects