Top "Onclicklistener" questions

A Listener Object that reacts to 'click' events triggered from an input device, such as a Mouse

Does adding too many event listeners affect performance?

I have a general question about javascript (jQuery) events/listeners. Is there any limit for the number of click listener …

javascript jquery events actionlistener onclicklistener
Why does OnClickListener on a ViewHolder don't work?

I'm trying to implement a way to handle item selection on a RecyclerView. I personally don't like the way suggested …

android onclick onclicklistener android-recyclerview
Adding a listener to a number picker widget

I am working on integrating a number picker to my application. The activity displays a list of items each with …

android onclicklistener numberpicker
kotlin.NotImplementedError: An operation is not implemented: not implemented Error from ImageButton Click

Getting this Error kotlin.NotImplementedError: An operation is not implemented: not implemented I am implementing an ImageButton click listener Requirement :…

android kotlin fragment onclicklistener kotlin.notimplementederror
Creating a custom OnClickListener

I have an ArrayList of Buttons where my OCL needs to know which index I has been pressed. The plan …

android onclicklistener
How to get OnClick() from programmatically added buttons?

I have added some buttons with the following lines: for (int i=0; i<XML.size(); i++) { //add button ToggleButton …

android button onclick onclicklistener buttonclick
Click, Press and Release event on Button

How can I detect clicked, pressed and released states of a Button. I want to perform different functions on these …

android onclicklistener ontouchlistener
Android | AlertDialog on RecyclerView Item Click

I have implemented a RecyclerView. Now I want to display an AlertDialog when an item of RecyclerView is clicked. I …

android android-recyclerview onclicklistener android-alertdialog onitemclicklistener
How do you use an OnClickListener in a recycler view?

What i'm basically trying to do is make the objects that show up in the recycler view clickable to a …

java android android-studio onclicklistener android-recyclerview
Android On Focus Listener and On Click Listener on ImageView

I have an imageview - It has both the attributes -focusable and focusableintouchmode set to true <ImageView android:id="@+…

android onclicklistener onfocus