Top "Onclicklistener" questions

A Listener Object that reacts to 'click' events triggered from an input device, such as a Mouse

onClickListener does not work in fragment

I've got some problems with the onClicklistener in the fragment. If I click on the button nothing happens at all. …

android android-fragments onclicklistener
RecyclerView : get position and switch to activity

How is it possible to get the position of the item which was clicked in the RecyclerView row and than …

android android-intent onclick onclicklistener android-recyclerview
OnItemClickListener and OnClickListener not working for ListView

I have used a Custom ListView and I am displaying some data using the same ListView. When I click on …

android listview scroll onclicklistener onitemclicklistener
setOnClickListener and setOnLongClickListener call on single button issue

I need your help if any one can be, it will be great thing for my solution. I don't know …

android onclicklistener onlongclicklistener
ExpandableListView child click listener not firing

Not sure why my onChildClick isn't firing. Everything works perfectly, except that when one of the child items is tapped, …

android expandablelistview onclicklistener
Android - OnClick Listener in a separate class

Is it possible to make a secondary class to hold the OnClick Listener? Meaning not being created in the Activity …

android class onclicklistener
OnClickListener Hold button?

I am currently working on my final project for an intro android app development class. My final project was going …

android onclicklistener
Preference Activity on Preference Click Listener

I am building a Preference Activity where most of the preferences in the list will be executing code and not …

android onclicklistener preferenceactivity
OnItemClickListener on a ListView inside a Fragment not working

EDIT: SOLVED. If there's anything focusable in the XML of the items, it will break the touch of the list, …

android listview fragment onclicklistener
clickable area of image

i'am designing a GUI remote control, but instead of making separate buttons for each remote button, i want to get …

android onclicklistener imagemap