Top "Onclick" questions

An event which occurs when user clicked an object.

Unable to process binding - bind is not a function

I am using knockoutjs for my single page application, and I am currently stuck on a mysterious problem. I am …

javascript knockout.js onclick knockout-2.0 knockout-mapping-plugin
Delphi TListBox OnClick / OnChange?

Is there a trick to getting "OnChange" type of functionality with a TListBox? I can subclass the component and add …

delphi onclick subclass onchange tlistbox
Onclick event in dynamically created button in javascript

Requirements: I have one table with one row and three columns. first column is having button. when i click that …

javascript dynamic onclick tablerow
How to stop video-js onclick event from pausing video

I have a simple JSFiddle here: The basic code looks like: window.player = videojs("movie_container", { …

onclick video.js
onClick priority over addEventListener in javascript?

Right now, I have an event listener that listens to a click on the screen. There is also a button …

javascript onclick handler addeventlistener
How to open sliding menu on Button's click event?

I am implementing sliding menu using this link. Now it is working perfectly fine if I use this code in …

android onclick slidingmenu buttonclick
Count Dynamically created html elements with jquery

I am counting the number of inputs on the current document that have value. It works fine, except for when …

javascript jquery onclick dynamically-generated
offsetHeight and offsetWidth calculating incorrectly on first onclick event, not second

I have written the following script to display a hidden element, then fix it's position to the center of the …

javascript onclick height hidden offsetwidth
Alternative of onclick for html5

<div id="btnSideToggle" onclick="Viewer.toggleThumbnails();"><img src="assets/pgThumbs.png"></div> Due to …

javascript html onclick firefox-os
How to use CrawlSpider from scrapy to click a link with javascript onclick?

I want scrapy to crawl pages where going on to the next link looks like this: <a href="#" onclick="…

javascript python onclick scrapy web-scraping