Top "Onclick" questions

An event which occurs when user clicked an object.

Downsides of onMousedown vs. onClick?

I've been dealing with a bane-of-my-existence Javascript problem involving tracking when a user clicks on a link (in case you're …

javascript onclick dom-events onmousedown
Microsoft Edge: onclick event stops working?

I have strange problems with my (ASP.NET) web application in Microsoft Edge. At a certain point the onclick event …

javascript javascript-events onclick mouseevent microsoft-edge
Changing background color with Radio Buttons Android

I am attempting to change the background of a tab of my application by selecting a Radio Button from a …

android background onclick radio-group
Differentiate between mouse and keyboard triggering onclick

I need to find a way to determine if a link has been activated via a mouse click or a …

javascript onclick mouseevent keypress
onclick setAttribute href from a src

I'm working on a project to swap thumbnail images to a larger image when the thumbnail is selected and it's …

javascript jquery onclick href setattribute
Call a specific button onClick event when the enter key is pressed C#

I'm trying to get a specific asp:button onclick event to fire when I press the enter key in a …

c# onclick keypress enter
How to manage notification when users click on badge

I have a question to ask about notifications. After some hours to learn how to implement push notifications on iPhone, …

iphone uitableview onclick push-notification badge
imagebutton onclientclick and onclick events

how to add onclentclick and onclick events from code behind to image button. I wrote some code it shows confirm … events onclick onclientclick
Android custom InfoWindow Google Map v2 onclick button?

Hi i want to add marker info-window to my Google map in android application.So far i have add custom …

android google-maps onclick customization infowindow
Android ClickableSpan get text onClick()

I'm working on ClickableSpan in a TextView, and I'm trying to get the clicked span's text. This is my code. // …

android onclick textview clickable