Top "Ogre3d" questions

Ogre3d is an open source 3d graphics rendering engine.

'Difference' between two quaternions

I'm working in Ogre, but it's a general quaternion problem. I have an object, to which I apply a rotation …

math ogre3d quaternions
How to build OGRE on Windows using Visual Studio?

Hope that this helps a lot of people who struggle with installing OGRE on Windows. I did, and I don't …

windows visual-c++ build ogre3d ogre
What is near clipping distance and far clipping distance in 3D Graphics?

What is near and far clipping distances in 3D Graphics? If it makes a difference, I am using Ogre 3D …

graphics 3d ogre3d
Bullet Physics - Apply Torque Impulse in Body's Local Space

I'm currently evaluating the Bullet Physics Library for a 3D space game I'm writing using C++ and Ogre3D. I've …

c++ physics ogre3d bullet