Top "Office-2010" questions

Microsoft Office version 2010 is a suite of programs for office productivity.

Detect whether Office is 32bit or 64bit via the registry

Now that Office also comes in a 64bit install, where in the registry do you find out if the version …

registry ms-office 32bit-64bit office-2010
Calling web service using VBA code in Excel 2010

I am trying to write some VBA code in Excel 2010 that would consume a web service. I am unable to …

excel vba web-services excel-2010 office-2010
Sending Email through Outlook 2010 via C#

I am trying to send an email from inside my C# console App. I have added the references and using …

c# email reference outlook office-2010
What are the differences between VBA 6.0 and VBA 7.0?

I noticed that Office 2010 comes with Visual Basic for Applications 7.0. However I can't seem to find much documentation on what …

vba ms-office office-2010
c# word interop find and replace everything

I have some code to replace text inside a word 2010 docx. object fileName = Path.Combine(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, "…

c# visual-studio-2010 ms-word office-interop office-2010
"Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments"

Recently, we have some users which suddenly got this massege: "Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments" (outlook 2010 …

outlook outlook-2010 office-2010
How to display record data in a table in MS Access Form

I am working in Offiice Access on a form. I notice that there are not a lot of controls available …

vba ms-access vbscript ms-office office-2010
Find install path of office word 2010

I found this article which describe how to find the install path of office: …

path ms-word windows-installer installation office-2010
VBA Pass arguments with .onAction

this is how my sub looks like: Sub InsertRowWithContent(rowNo As Long) This is my .onAction: .OnAction = "'InsertRowWithContent""" & C &…

vba ms-word office-2010
How can I duplicate a row in a Word table?

I am trying to duplicate a table row in Word, using VBA, without using the Selection object or the clipboard. …

vba office-interop ms-word office-2010