Top "Null" questions

Null means *nothing* or *unknown*, depending on context.

Using COALESCE to handle NULL values in PostgreSQL

I have the following query SELECT DISTINCT pt.incentive_marketing, pt.incentive_channel, pt.incentive_advertising FROM test.pricing pt …

sql database postgresql null coalesce
Check if returned value is not null and if so assign it, in one line, with one method call

Java is littered with statements like: if(cage.getChicken() != null) { dinner = cage.getChicken(); } else { dinner = getFreeRangeChicken(); } Which takes two calls …

java syntax null variable-assignment method-call
Is null reference possible?

Is this piece of code valid (and defined behavior)? int &nullReference = *(int*)0; Both g++ and clang++ compile it without …

c++ reference null language-lawyer
How to select rows where column value IS NOT NULL using CodeIgniter's ActiveRecord?

I'm using CodeIgniter's Active Record class to query the MySQL database. I need to select the rows in a table …

php mysql codeigniter activerecord null
What's the better (cleaner) way to ignore output in PowerShell?

Let's say you have a method or a cmdlet that returns something, but you don't want to use it and …

powershell null void
When is null or undefined used in JavaScript?

I am really confused as to when JavaScript returns null or undefined. Also different browsers seem to be returning these …

javascript null undefined
json_encode is returning NULL?

For some reason the item "description" returns NULL with the following code: <?php include('db.php'); $result = mysql_query(…

php null json
What is the `zero` value for time.Time in Go?

In an error condition, I tried to return nil, which throws the error: cannot use nil as type time.Time …

time go null
Return zero if no record is found

I have a query inside a stored procedure that sums some values inside a table: SELECT SUM(columnA) FROM my_…

sql postgresql null plpgsql coalesce
What does i:nil="true" mean?

I have an xml and it has nodes with i:nil="true" in it. What does that mean? For example: &…

xml null xml-nil