Top "Nuget-package-restore" questions

Nuget Package Restore is a process that happens when a Visual Studio solution is loaded and some Nuget Packages are missing.

Nuget package restore error in Docker Compose build

I am getting nugget restore error while building using docker-compose behind proxy. I have set proxy in docker for windows. …

docker nuget docker-compose dockerfile nuget-package-restore
Nuget with Artifactory. Key not valid for use in specified state

I am using Artifactory as NuGet repository to store all the nuget packages. When we use this Artifactory link as …

nuget artifactory nuget-package-restore
"Reference the package directly from the project to resolve this issue."

I'm trying to install a nuget package and I get the following error Restoring packages for C:\git...MyProject.csproj... …

c# .net visual-studio nuget nuget-package-restore
TeamCity Nuget Installer step fails saying Failed to find NuGet executable

I have created a TeamCity buils step using Nuget Installer, but when I run the steps I get the error : …

nuget teamcity nuget-package nuget-package-restore
How to fix `Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" framework...`

I got this error Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" framework. Add a reference to ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" …

c# .net msbuild nuget nuget-package-restore
how to create nuspec file in specific folder?

I tried to create .nuspec file in a different folder by giving path but it is giving me error Nuget.…

nuget nuget-package nuget-package-restore nuspec
TFS Can't Restore NuGet Package

I've got TFS doing some continuous integration builds. Today, it broke for one solution. It seems it can't find AutoMapper. …

tfs nuget tfsbuild nuget-package-restore
Visual Studio Team Services Continuous Integration: NuGet Restore Task Failed

I am using Continuous Integration feature in Team Services (was Visual Studio Online). My build definition targets a specific project …

msbuild continuous-integration azure-devops nuget-package-restore azure-pipelines
Nuget Package Restore not working-

I am trying to run the example C# code in visual studio for square connect:…

c# visual-studio-2017 nuget-package nuget-package-restore square-connect