Top "Tfsbuild" questions

Automated Builds using the Team Foundation Server / Visual Studio Team Services build system

Free Online Team Foundation Server

Can anybody recommend a good free online Team Foundation Server repository? I found CodePlex but it's only for open source …

tfs azure-devops tfsbuild
MSbuild Error: The builds tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = 'v140') cannot be found

I have a solution which is consists of a large number of projects (C++ and C#). I upgraded the solution …

c++ msbuild cross-platform visual-studio-2015 tfsbuild
VSTS 2010 SGEN : error : Could not load file or assembly (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)

I am experiencing a strange issue with VS2010. We use TFS to build our API dlls and we used to …

visual-studio-2010 msbuild .net-4.0 tfsbuild sgen
Environment Variable for AppData\Local / Access Downloaded custom assemblies

I am trying to setup my TFS2010 Build and I want to access the files that are downloaded via the "…

windows-7 tfsbuild windows-server-2008-r2
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime, Version=

We are using Azure SDK 1.8 and it working fine on local. we are using TFS hosted build controller to deploy …

azure tfsbuild
Could not get dependencies for project reference

I have a C# solution with a website project and a C# library. When compiling the solution, the website gives … tfs msbuild tfsbuild
Unable to determine the workspace using TF.exe

I have this script (bat file) tf workspaces /s:http://project02:8080 tf workspace /s:http://project02:8080 Team.descomp;MyDomain\Myuser …

scripting tfs tfsbuild workspace
Team Foundation Build or TeamCity?

We are a mostly MS shop at work doing .NET LOB development. We also use MS Dynamics for our CRM …

tfs tdd continuous-integration teamcity tfsbuild
Team Build: The path 'Path' is already mapped in workspace 'workspace' error even after deleting all workspaces on build agent

I have this problem when I queue a build. The build dies with the error The path C:\[Path]\Sources …

tfsbuild tfs workspace
Copy one file in target directory on deploy from visual studio team services

I'm using VSTS as a build server, and while building I want to copy the bin folder contents to the …

azure-devops tfsbuild azure-pipelines