Top "Nszombie" questions

NSZombie is an Apple OS-specific (OSX and iOS) tool for debugging issues with reference-counting.

ios Zombie detection

I'm having (in my opinion) a very difficult problem in my code. It crashes randomly at different places in the …

xcode instruments nszombie
Enable and Debug Zombie objects in iOS using Xcode 5.1.1

I have an iOS(7.1) app which crashes due to EXC_BAD_ACCESS. If I am not wrong, this happens due …

ios xcode exc-bad-access instruments nszombie
NSZombieEnabled does not work

When I set NSZombieEnabled = Yes nothing is written to the console. How can I fix this? Or can you advise …

iphone objective-c nszombie
respondsToSelector send to deallocated object

I try to find out why my app crashes (RSS Reader) if I send a wrong URL to NSXML Parser. …

iphone objective-c xcode debugging nszombie
Class _NSZombie__GEOTileKeyWrapper is implemented in both ?? and ??. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined

I have this message while debugging my app: Class NSZombie_GEOTileKeyWrapper is implemented in both ?? and ??. One of the two …

iphone debugging nszombie
-[CALayer retain]: message sent to deallocated instance

I'm developing an iphone app and when I turn on my NSZombieEnabled I have regularly a crash on error : *** -[…

iphone calayer nsautoreleasepool nszombie
-[CALayer release]: message sent to deallocated instance

I'm having a problem with some code in the loadView: method of one of my view controllers. Essentially I have …

iphone calayer dealloc nszombie