Top "Nsurl" questions

NSURL is a class from Foundation.

how to get width and height of image from url without downloading?

I'm using SDWebImage for showing images inside cells. But it is perfect mached to frame of UImageView that I'm doing …

ios uiimageview uiimage nsurl sdwebimage
Retrieve filename from NSURL

I have a URL I want to extract the …

Check if NSURL is a directory

While using Swift I want to check if an NSURL location is a directory. With Objective-C this is not a …

swift nsurl
Should I worry about a "scoped bookmarks agent connection interrupted" log message?

I'm sandboxing my Mac app, and am using the Security-Scoped Bookmarks feature of OS X 10.7.3 to persist references to files …

macos osx-lion nsurl appstore-sandbox
How to extract and remove scheme name from NSURL?

What is proper way to extract and remove scheme name and :// from a NSURL? For example: note://Hello -> @"…

ios objective-c regex nsstring nsurl
NSURL URLWithString:relativeToURL: is clipping relative url

I'm trying to implement an iOS app, which uses RestKit. In all examples I've seen so far the following code …

ios url nsurl
Why can't I append a String to a NSURL?

Appending the .txt file component to the URL path doesn't work: var error:NSError? let manager = NSFileManager.defaultManager() let docURL = …

swift nsurl writetofile
How to get the source code of a URL

I am not able to get the HTML source code when I try to request this URL:…

ios nsurl nsmutableurlrequest
What is difference between URLWithString and fileURLWithPath of NSURL?

In my code I have to use URLWithString to play streaming(HLS) video and fileURLWithPath to play local video. What …

ios objective-c path nsstring nsurl