Top "Appstore-sandbox" questions

A method of limiting an application's access to system resources (sandbox) required for applications submitted to the Mac App Store and optional for non-AppStore applications.

Should I worry about a "scoped bookmarks agent connection interrupted" log message?

I'm sandboxing my Mac app, and am using the Security-Scoped Bookmarks feature of OS X 10.7.3 to persist references to files …

macos osx-lion nsurl appstore-sandbox
iOS 13 - How to login in in-app purchase Sandbox account?

In order to test my in-app purchases with iOS 13 I have to update one of my test devices to iOS 13.1 …

ios in-app-purchase ios13 appstore-sandbox
How do I get the users home directory in a sandboxed app?

NSHomeDirectory() is retuning my sandbox root, not my home directory. [@"~" stringByExpandingTildeInPath] is doing the same thing. This /Users/username/Library/…

objective-c macos cocoa appstore-sandbox
iOS 12 IAP Sandbox

I was watching this WWDC18 talk, and they've explicitly announced that they'll allow developers to simultaneously connect one Sandbox Account …

ios iphone app-store-connect ios12 appstore-sandbox