Top "Nstimer" questions

An Objective C class for creating timer objects.

Send Local Notifications while App is running in the background Swift 2.0

I am trying to send the user a 'Push Notification style' Alert when the user minimizes the app (by clicking …

ios swift nstimer uilocalnotification uialertaction
iphone - NSTimers in background

Im developing an app that has to run in the background. It's a location based app, so it runs all …

objective-c debugging nstimer
How to reset NSTimer? swift code

So I'm creating an app/game where you tap a button corresponding to a picture before the timer runs out …

ios xcode swift nstimer reset
NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats doesn't invoke the method

The timer never invokes the method. What am I doing wrong ? This is the code: NSTimer *manualOverlayTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:2.0 target:…

objective-c ios nstimer
Run repeating NSTimer with GCD?

I was wondering why when you create a repeating timer in a GCD block it doesen't work? This works fine: …

ios objective-c grand-central-dispatch nstimer nsrunloop
How to trigger NSTimer right away?

I need to call a method when my app starts and then call the same method every 5 seconds. My code …

ios nstimer
I should able to delay 2 seconds using NSTimer. How to do it?

I want to produce a delay of 2 seconds using NSTimer how to initialize timer in program?

iphone xcode nstimer nstimeinterval
Swift Progress View with NSTimer

I have a Progress view bar that I would like to use to indicate time. This is my first project …

swift progress-bar nstimer uiprogressview nstimeinterval
Passing parameters to a method called by NSTimer in Swift

I'm trying to pass an argument to a method that is called by NSTimer in my code. It is throwing …

ios xcode swift nstimer
how to show countdown on uilabel in iphone?

i have a uilabel and a uislider on a view. i want to set label's time using slider.range of …

objective-c iphone-sdk-3.0 nstimer