Top "Nsstring" questions

NSString is the plain-text character-string class in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.

Objective-C and Swift URL encoding

I have a NSString like this: http://www. but I want to transform it to: http%3A%2F%2Fwww. How …

ios objective-c swift nsstring urlencode
Case insensitive comparison NSString

Can anyone point me to any resources about case insensitive comparison in Objective C? It doesn't seem to have an …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch nsstring
Capitalize or change case of an NSString in Objective-C

I was wondering how to capitalize a string found in an object in an NSMutableArray. An NSArray contains the string …

objective-c string cocoa-touch nsstring uppercase
How to check if NSString begins with a certain character

How do you check if an NSString begins with a certain character (the character *). The * is an indicator for the …

objective-c nsstring
enum Values to NSString (iOS)

I have an enum holding several values: enum {value1, value2, value3} myValue; In a certain point in my app, I …

ios enums nsstring
Check that a input to UITextField is numeric only

How do I validate the string input to a UITextField? I want to check that the string is numeric, including …

objective-c cocoa-touch validation nsstring uitextfield
Remove HTML Tags from an NSString on the iPhone

There are a couple of different ways to remove HTML tags from an NSString in Cocoa. One way is to …

ios objective-c iphone cocoa-touch nsstring
Remove all whitespaces from NSString

I've been trying to get rid of the white spaces in an NSString, but none of the methods I've tried …

objective-c string cocoa nsstring
Understanding NSString comparison

Both the following comparisons evaluate to true: 1) @"foo" == @"foo"; 2) NSString *myString1 = @"foo"; NSString *myString2 = @"foo"; myString1 == myString2; However, there are …

objective-c cocoa nsstring string-comparison
Adding a line break to a UITextView

I have a UITextView that takes an NSString with formatting stringWithUTF8String. It is getting its values from a database …

utf-8 nsstring uitextview whitespace