Assembly operation for filling space and time doing nothing.
I can't find a good source that answers this question. I know that a nop sled is a technique used …
c assembly stack buffer-overflow nopwhat is the function of NOPL in x86 machine? It feels like it doesn't do anything, but why is it …
assembly x86 nopMy guess is that the __no_operation() intrinsic (ARM) instruction should take 1/(168 MHz) to execute, provided that each NOP executes …
execution-time stm32 cortex-m machine-instruction nopIn linux we have a makefile: $(foreach A,a b,echo $(A) &&) true It works and echos a …
windows batch-file cmd nopI use KEIL to compile a program. The program uses the code asm("NOP"); Unfortunately KEIL compiler does not accept …
c embedded inline-assembly keil nopVenturing out of my usual VC++ realm into the world of GCC (via MINGW32). Trying to create a Windows PE …
gcc assembly nopI'm trying to understand the x64 assembly optimization that is done by the compiler. I compiled a small C++ project …
visual-studio assembly x86-64 cpu-architecture nop