Top "Inline-assembly" questions

Assembly that is embedded within a source in another, higher language, such as x86 assembly embedded in C or C++.

Reading a register value into a C variable

I remember seeing a way to use extended gcc inline assembly to read a register value and store it into …

c gcc assembly inline-assembly cpu-registers
Is there a way to insert assembly code into C?

I remember back in the day with the old borland DOS compiler you could do something like this: asm { mov …

c inline-assembly assembly
The difference between asm, asm volatile and clobbering memory

When implementing lock-free data structures and timing code it's often necessary to suppress the compiler's optimisations. Normally people do this …

c gcc inline-assembly
What does __asm__ __volatile__ do in C?

I looked into some C code from They use stuff like __inline__, __…

c gcc inline-assembly
calling assembly function from c

I'm trying to call an assembly function from c,but i keep getting errors. .text .globl integrate .type integrate, @function …

c assembly x86 inline-assembly
Can I use Intel syntax of x86 assembly with GCC?

I want to write a small low level program. For some parts of it I will need to use assembly …

c gcc assembly x86 inline-assembly
Labels in GCC inline assembly

In my ongoing experimentation with GCC inline assembly, I've run into a new problem regarding labels and inlined code. Consider …

c++ c gcc assembly inline-assembly
Efficient integer compare function

The compare function is a function that takes two arguments a and b and returns an integer describing their order. …

c assembly x86 inline-assembly
x86 Assembly: INC and DEC instruction and overflow flag

In x86 assembly, the overflow flag is set when an add or sub operation on a signed integer overflows, and …

c assembly x86 x86-64 inline-assembly
64bit Applications and Inline Assembly

I am using Visual C++ 2010 developing 32bit windows applications. There is something I really want to use inline assembly. But …

c++ windows visual-c++ 64-bit inline-assembly