Top "Noncopyable" questions

The boost::noncopyable class is used as a base class to make a C++ type unable to be copied or assigned.

How do I make this C++ object non-copyable?

See title. I have: class Foo { private: Foo(); public: static Foo* create(); } What need I do from here to make …

c++ copy-constructor noncopyable
What are the advantages of boost::noncopyable

To prevent copying a class, you can very easily declare a private copy constructor / assignment operators. But you can also …

c++ boost noncopyable
With explicitly deleted member functions in C++11, is it still worthwhile to inherit from a noncopyable base class?

With explicitly deleted member functions in C++11, is it still worthwhile to inherit from a noncopyable base class? I'm talking …

c++ c++11 noncopyable
c# select text from popup

i've been searching on google and stackoverflow for 2hours now. There has to be something i am just simply overlooking. …

c# text messagebox noncopyable
How to deal with noncopyable objects when inserting to containers in C++

I'm looking for the best-practice of dealing with non-copyable objects. I have a mutex class, that obviously should not be …

c++ noncopyable
Repeating Q_DISABLE_COPY in QObject derived classes

In Qt there is a macro that allows declaring private copy constructurs and assignment operators for classes:…

c++ qt qt5 qobject noncopyable