How to deal with noncopyable objects when inserting to containers in C++

dbbd picture dbbd · Aug 11, 2010 · Viewed 9.9k times · Source

I'm looking for the best-practice of dealing with non-copyable objects.

I have a mutex class, that obviously should not be copyable. I added a private copy constructor to enforce that.

That broke the code - some places simply needed to be fixed, but I have a generic problem where a class, using the mutex either as a data member, or by inheritance, is being inserted into a container.

This is usually happening during the container initialization, so the mutex is not initialized yet, and is therefore ok, but without a copy constructor it does not work. Changing the containers to contain pointers is not acceptable.

Any advise?


peterchen picture peterchen · Aug 11, 2010

Three solutions here:

1. Use Pointers - The quick fix is to make it a container of pointers - e.g. a shared_ptr.

That would be the "good" solution if your objects are truly noncopyable, and using other containers is not possible.

2. Other containers - Alternatively, you could use non-copying containers (that use in-place-construction), however they aren't very common and largely incompatible with STL. (I've tried for a while, but it's simply no good)

That would be the "god" solution if your objects are truly noncopyable, and using pointers is not possible.

[edit] With C++13, std::vector allows inplace construction (emplace_back), and can be used for noncopyable objects that do implement move semantics. [/edit]

3. Fix your copyability - If your class is copyable as such, and the mutex is not, you "simply" need to fix the copy constructor and assignment operator.

Writing them is a pain, since you usually have to copy & assign all members except the mutex, but that can often be simplified by:

template <typename TNonCopyable>
struct NeverCopy : public T 
    NeverCopy() {}
    NeverCopy(T const & rhs) {}

    NeverCopy<T> & operator=(T const & rhs) { return *this; }

And changing you mutex member to

NeverCopy<Mutex> m_mutex;

Unfortunately, using that template you lose special constructors of Mutex.

[edit] Warning: "Fixing" the Copy CTor/asignment often requires you to lock the right hand side on copy construct, and lock both sides on assignment. Unfortunately, there is no way to override the copy ctor/assignment and call the default implementation, so the NeverCopy trick might not work for you without external locking. (There are some other workarounds with their own limitations.)