Top "Node-postgres" questions

Node-postgres is a postgresql client module for node.

How to do a bulk insert with node-postgres

I am importing an excel file into a postgres database with express and node-pg Currently I am looping through the …

postgresql express node-postgres
query.on is not a function

I am trying to learn how to use javascript to connect to a postgresql database but when I try to …

javascript node.js postgresql-9.6 node-postgres
Storing a file in postgres using node-postgres

I'm trying to store a small file into a postgres db using the node-postgres module. I understand that I should …

node.js postgresql node-postgres
node-postgres with massive amount of queries

I just started playing around with node.js with postgres, using node-postgres. One of the things I tried to do …

node.js postgresql node-postgres
node server can't connect to postgres db

I recently switched from MySQL to postgres as my database for an node.js project. While I'm able to reach …

node.js postgresql node-postgres
using postgres with nodejs for connection pool

i am using nodejs as my REST api host. The overall functionality is pretty basic. that is, make a REST …

node.js node-postgres
Error Relation does not exist

I am getting a [error: relation "causes" does not exist] error from my node app. The relation does exist, I'm …

node.js postgresql node-postgres
node-postgres, Connection terminated unexpectedly

I'm trying to connect to a remote database using node-postgres. I can connect using the psql client, but I get …

javascript node.js sequelize.js node-postgres
Authentication error when connecting to Heroku PostgreSQL database

I'm developing a Node.js application using PostgreSQL and hosting on Heroku. My problem is that I get an authentication …

postgresql node.js authentication node-postgres
How to make a synchronous query (blocking call) with node-postgres?

While booting my Node.js app, I want to make a couple of synchronous calls to the PostgreSQL database to …
