Top "Node-postgres" questions

Node-postgres is a postgresql client module for node.

node-postgres: how to execute "WHERE col IN (<dynamic value list>)" query?

I'm trying to execute a query like this: SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN (1,2,3,4) The problem is that the list …

node.js node-postgres
SSL for PostgreSQL connection nodejs

I am trying to connect to my Heroku PostgreSQL DB and I keep getting an SSL error. Does anyone have …

node.js postgresql ssl node-postgres
node.js, pg, postgresql and insert queries (app hangs)

I have the following simple node application for data insertion into postgres database: var pg = require('pg'); var dbUrl = 'tcp://…

node.js node-postgres
Import sql file in node.js and execute against PostgreSQL

I'm looking for an efficient way to take a raw sql file and have it executed synchronously against a postgres …

javascript sql node.js postgresql node-postgres
ECONNREFUSED when making GET request in app, but API returns JSON successfully

I'm writing a node app with React, using node-postgres and superagent for backend calls. Let's say I'm making a GET …

json node.js reactjs superagent node-postgres
when to disconnect and when to end a pg client or pool

My stack is node, express and the pg module. I really try to understand by the documentation and some outdated …

node.js postgresql node-postgres
How do I properly insert multiple rows into PG with node-postgres?

A single row can be inserted like this: client.query("insert into tableName (name, email) values ($1, $2) ", ['john', '[email protected]'], …

javascript sql node.js postgresql node-postgres
Use node-postgres to get Postgres "timestamp without timezone" in utc

I've got some timestamps stored as the Postgres type timestamp without time zone. I'll use the timestamp 2013-12-20 20:45:27 as …

node.js postgresql node-postgres
Insert POINT into postgres database

I need to insert/update a point column type in postgres database. I'm using node-postgres The script generated using POSTGRES …

postgresql postgis node-postgres
How can I choose between Client or Pool for node-postgres

From , seems like we can choose between Pool or Client to perform query pool.query(…

node.js node-postgres