Authentication error when connecting to Heroku PostgreSQL database

j0ntech picture j0ntech · Apr 23, 2012 · Viewed 13.1k times · Source

I'm developing a Node.js application using PostgreSQL and hosting on Heroku. My problem is that I get an authentication error like so:

14:32:05 web.1     | { [error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "username", database "database_name", SSL off]
14:32:05 web.1     |   length: 168,
14:32:05 web.1     |   name: 'error',
14:32:05 web.1     |   severity: 'FATAL',
14:32:05 web.1     |   code: '28000',
14:32:05 web.1     |   detail: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1     |   hint: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1     |   position: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1     |   internalPosition: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1     |   internalQuery: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1     |   where: undefined,
14:32:05 web.1     |   file: 'auth.c',
14:32:05 web.1     |   line: '483',
14:32:05 web.1     |   routine: 'ClientAuthentication' }

It might be an SSL problem, but it shouldn't be as mentioned here. SSL should be supported out of the box. So I'm stumped and can only ask what might cause this error?

I'm not sure if I have to maybe edit the pg_hba.conf on my system, but I can't even find it.


jede picture jede · Jan 1, 2015

Solved it by setting PGSSLMODE ( on Heroku. It tells PostgreSQL to default to SSL.

$ heroku config:set PGSSLMODE=require