Top "Node-mysql" questions

A pure node.

Return rows with nodejs and node-mysql

I'm discovering Nodejs and the node-mysql module. I have a small problem. Every tutorial that I find explain how to …

node.js select node-mysql
JavaScript classes with getter and setter cause RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I am currently experimenting with ECMA6 classes. My current class looks like the following class Player { constructor(id) { = …

javascript node.js node-mysql
how does createConnection work with nodeJS in mysql?

What does createConnection do? var connection = mysql.createConnection({ host : '', user : 'bob', password : 'secret' }); I'm writing an application in …

node.js node-modules node-mysql
How to automatically close mysql connection in nodejs

Currently my process is hanging because the mysql pool isn't being closed automatically. I assumed that when I called connection.…

node.js node-mysql
Creating synchronous queries with node-mysql

I'm trying to ensure that one mysql query leads to another and is not completed until all of its children …

mysql node.js node-mysql
Perform two or more queries in one request using node-mysql and ExpressJS

tl;dr: What is the correct way to handle two or more asynchronous queries to a MySQL database using node-mysql …

mysql node.js express node-mysql
nodejs npm mysql return single row handle

Im using node and npm mysql to do some database work. Is there any way to avoid using the result[0] , …

javascript mysql node.js node-mysql
Node JS Inserting array of objects to mysql database when using transactions

Am using node-mysql to add records to a database but am facing a challenge when the records to be inserted …

mysql node.js transactions node-mysql
node.js mysql pool beginTransaction & connection

I've been wondering if beginTransaction in node.js mysql uses multiple connections (if I have multiple queries inside the transaction) …

mysql node.js express node-mysql
Best Way to Use OOP in Express REST API?

I'm going all in and doing a project using only node. It's been a lot of fun, but sometimes I …

node.js rest oop express node-mysql