I'm trying to ensure that one mysql query leads to another and is not completed until all of its children queries are completed. So for example, I start with one select and stream rows and execute subsequent queries from that row result. This is doable with callbacks, but I end up running out of memory, so I'd like to slow down the process and run batches, but due to the async nature of the dispatch, I can't keep things in phase and end the connection after all the rows have been processed.
Here's an example:
var query = conn.query('select id from table1 limit 10');
query.on('result', function(row){
console.log('query1', row);
var query2 = conn.query('select id from books where id = ? ', [row.id]);
query2.on('result', function(row2){
console.log('query2', row2);
var query3 = conn.query('insert into test (id) values (?)', [row2.id]);
query3.on('result', function(row3){
query.on('end', function(){
The above fails, because there are still rows to process in query3 after the initial query is ended.
Any thoughts? The actual code is even more complicated, because I have to process xml from the subsequent queries and fire off even more inserts as I loop through the batch.
I would suggest this solution with async module:
var async = require("async");
// connection instance
var conn;
// here goes task serving logic
// if any async function should be finished before drain callback, push them into q
var solvers = {
query: function(q, task, row){
console.log('query1', row);
solver: "query2",
req: "select id from books where id = ?",
reqArgs: [row.id]
query2: function(q, task, row){
console.log('query2', row);
solver: "query3",
req: "insert into test (id) values (?)",
reqArgs: [row.id]
query3: function(q, task, row){
// here is a queue of tasks
var q = async.queue(function(task, cb){
var query = conn.query(task.req, task.reqArgs);
query.on("end", cb);
solvers[task.solver](q, task, row);
}, 2); // limit of parallel queries
// when every request has reached "end"
q.drain = function(){
// continue from here
// initial task
solver: "query",
req: "select id from table1 limit 10",
reqArgs: []
But still, I'm not sure that making requests ID by ID is a good solution.
Maybe, I'm just not aware of a full problem.