Top "Node-mysql" questions

A pure node.

Node-MySQL - Escaping in Query() Method vs Mysql.Escape() / Mysql.EscapeId()

I am currently using the node-mysql library to connect my application to a MySQL instance. After reading some other StackOverflow …

node.js express node-mysql
Updating multiple rows with node-mysql, NodeJS and Q

I am using node-mysql, node-js, and Q promises. I have successfully updated, deleted, and inserted single rows using the above. …

node.js angularjs promise node-mysql
node.js mysql query in a for loop

I have two queries. The first, SELECT, wowitemdata.itemName, auctions.itemId, auctions.buyout, auctions.quantity FROM auctions INNER …

javascript mysql node.js node-mysql
Reproduce MySQL error: The server closed the connection (node.js)

I'm trying to reproduce a MySQL error I'm seeing in my node.js app on EC2 with the node mysql …

mysql node.js node-mysql
Close connection MySQL Node.js

I'm developing a Node application with ExpressJS and MySQL. I'm working with this module and …

node.js node-mysql
Expressjs response as JSON and Xml

What i am doing:: I am trying to generate json and xml output for a dataset from database Express Code:: …

xml json node.js express node-mysql
Can't connect to localhost database from node.js server

Been having a lot of trouble trying to connect to to my localhost database. I've tried using the mysql and …

mysql node.js node-mysql
INSERT INTO error with mysql-node

This seems like it should be super easy, and I have been stuck for about two hours now. Four separate …

mysql node-mysql
MySQL giving "read ECONNRESET" error after idle time on node.js server

I'm running a Node server connecting to MySQL via the node-mysql module. Connecting to and querying MySQL works great initially …

mysql node.js connection node-mysql econnreset
Node.js and mysql Callback : query in query callback

All I want to do is insert some data if my database doesn't have that, so I put Insert SQL …

javascript mysql node.js node-mysql