Top "Nltk" questions

The Natural Language Toolkit is a Python library for computational linguistics.

Semantic Role Labeling using NLTK

I have a list of sentences and I want to analyze every sentence and identify the semantic roles within that …

python nltk semantic-markup
How to resolve java.lang.RuntimeException: PipeMapRed.waitOutputThreads(): subprocess failed with code 2?

I am trying to execute NLTK in Hadoop environment. Following is the command which i used for execution. bin/hadoop …

hadoop nltk hadoop-streaming
NLTK data out of date - Python 3.4

I'm trying to install NLTK for Python 3.4. The actual NLTK module appears to have installed fine. I then ran import …

python download nlp nltk wordnet
How to extract countries from a text?

I use Python 3 (I also have Python 2 installed) and I want to extract countries or cities from a short text. …

python python-3.x nltk geography
nltk pos_tag usage

I am trying to use speech tagging in NLTK and have used this command: >>> text = nltk.word_…

nltk pos-tagger
Topic Modelling in MALLET vs NLTK

I just read a fascinating article about how MALLET could be used for topic modelling, but I couldn't find anything …

nltk mallet
Kneser-Ney smoothing of trigrams using Python NLTK

I'm trying to smooth a set of n-gram probabilities with Kneser-Ney smoothing using the Python NLTK. Unfortunately, the whole documentation …

python nlp nltk smoothing
SnowballStemmer for Russian words list

I do know how to perform SnowballStemmer on a single word (in my case, on russian one). Doing the next …

python nlp nltk stemming snowball
Combining a Tokenizer into a Grammar and Parser with NLTK

I am making my way through the NLTK book and I can't seem to do something that would appear to …

python nlp grammar nltk
Negation handling in NLP

I'm currently working on a project, where I want to extract emotion from text. As I'm using conceptnet5 (a semantic …

python regex nlp nltk text-processing