Top "Nltk" questions

The Natural Language Toolkit is a Python library for computational linguistics.

Person Name Detection using SpaCy in English Lang. Looking for Answer

I am using Spacy and trying to detect names in the text. For example, text = 'Keras is a good package. …

python nlp nltk spacy ner
Can't make Stanford POS tagger working in nltk

I'm trying to work with Stanford POS tagger within NLTK. I'm using the example shown here:…

python nltk stanford-nlp pos-tagger
How to apply pos_tag_sents() to pandas dataframe efficiently

In situations where you wish to POS tag a column of text stored in a pandas dataframe with 1 sentence per …

python python-3.x pandas nltk pos-tagger
How to get rid of warning "DeprecationWarning generator 'ngrams' raised StopIteration"

While working on a Kaggle notebook I ran into an issue. The following code block: from nltk import ngrams def …

python ipython nltk kaggle
Parsing city of origin / destination city from a string

I have a pandas dataframe where one column is a bunch of strings with certain travel details. My goal is …

python regex pandas nlp nltk
NLTK POS tagger not working

If I try this : import nltk text = nltk.word_tokenize("And now for something completely different") nltk.pos_tag(text) …

python-2.7 nltk pos-tagger
Remove Stopwords in French AND English in TfidfVectorizer

I am trying to remove stopwords in French and English in TfidfVectorizer. So far, I've only managed to remove stopwords …

python nltk stop-words tfidfvectorizer
How do I test whether an nltk resource is already installed on the machine running my code?

I just started my first NLTK project and am confused about the proper setup. I need several resources like the …

python nlp nltk
Where can I find a text list or library that contains a list of common foods?

I'm writing a Python script that parses emails which involves searching the text of the email for any words that …

python nlp nltk alchemyapi
Nltk stanford pos tagger error : Java command failed

I'm trying to use nltk.tag.stanford module for tagging a sentence (first like wiki's example) but i keep getting …

python nlp nltk stanford-nlp python-textprocessing