Top "Snowball" questions

Snowball is a small language for writing stemming algorithms, used primarily in information retrieval and natural language processing.

Stemming algorithm that produces real words

I need to take a paragraph of text and extract from it a list of "tags". Most of this is …

php nlp stemming snowball porter-stemmer
Elasticsearch : How to list each analyzer used by a specific index

I need to find out which analyzer (type, language..) is configured in a specific index. I tried http://localhost:9200/wazzup/_…

indexing elasticsearch analyzer snowball
Lucene Standard Analyzer vs Snowball

Just getting started with Lucene.Net. I indexed 100,000 rows using standard analyzer, ran some test queries, and noticed plural queries …

full-text-search lucene nlp snowball
Is there a java implementation of Porter2 stemmer

Do you know any java implementation of the Porter2 stemmer(or any better stemmer written in java)? I know that …

java porter-stemmer snowball
Are Snowball & SnowballC packages different in R?

I am using stemDocument for stemming text document using tm package in R. Example code: data("crude") crude[[1]] stemDocument(crude[[1]]) …

r stemming tm snowball
Snowball Stemmer Usage

I'd like to use the stemmer here for merging word counts. The page has …

java stemming snowball
SnowballStemmer for Russian words list

I do know how to perform SnowballStemmer on a single word (in my case, on russian one). Doing the next …

python nlp nltk stemming snowball