A NinePatch is a stretchable bitmap image, which Android will automatically resize to accommodate the contents of the View in which you have placed it as the background.
I have a fake splash screen that pops up when my phonegap app is launched: super.setIntegerProperty("splashscreen", R.drawable.…
cordova screen stretch splash-screen nine-patchI am creating a chat application.I want the to convert my png image for chat bubble into a 9patch …
android nine-patchI'm trying to draw a nine patch onto a Canvas object on the Android. What seems strange is that although …
java android graphics nine-patchIs there a way to define a 9 patch drawable in an android xml file? The reason I ask, is that …
android xml drawable nine-patchAndroid NinePatch images seem to be standard .png files with extra information. Is there a spec for the format anywhere, …
android file-format nine-patchI have a problem, I cannot compile this 9patch with Android Studio. It is from the Google Play Music application …
android compiler-errors android-studio nine-patchI am trying to create a template for my chat bubbles in an android app i am currently working on. …
android shapes nine-patchIn a 9patch png, there are black edges in its four sides, but there is usually difference between the left …
android nine-patchI am trying to create a custom-styled seekbar. I have two nine-patch images one is a gray stretching bar search_…
android progress fill seekbar nine-patchI've updated r20 of the Android SDK and started the 9 Patch tool. There seems to be a new feature - …
android nine-patch