Top "Nine-patch" questions

A NinePatch is a stretchable bitmap image, which Android will automatically resize to accommodate the contents of the View in which you have placed it as the background.

Android: 9-patch image not stretching as expected

The actual image is this: the red boxex are where i made 1 px black likes. Even the preview shows fine. …

android nine-patch
Android Nine-patch equivalent for other platforms

I have just learned about Android nine-patches idea, and it is a pretty good idea. My question is if it …

android nine-patch
Android: 9-patch repeat pattern instead of stretching

I have a 9-patch image file which looks like this: When I use it it appears like this: What I …

android nine-patch
Nine-patch versus Vector graphics

I am learning about Android UI and am unclear why people use nine-patch, when you could use vector graphics, because …

android vector nine-patch
How to use 9 patch images in android for different-2 densities(like mdpi,ldpi,hdpi).?

I am creating an android application in which I want multiple screen support.For these I have used 9 patch images. …

android image nine-patch