Top "Shapes" questions

Questions related to drawing or defining shapes.

How to define a circle shape in an Android XML drawable file?

I have some problems finding the documentation of the definitions of shapes in XML for Android. I would like to …

android android-drawable shapes
How to make gradient background in android

I want to create gradient background where the gradient is in the top half and there's a solid color in …

android background gradient shapes
Rounded corner for textview in android

I have a textview and want its corner to be in round shape. I already know it can be done …

android textview shapes
Border in shape xml

I am trying to make a drawable to use for a button. I would like it to have this coloring, …

android android-layout border shapes stroke
How to create a DataFrame of random integers with Pandas?

I know that if I use randn, import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.…

python pandas dataframe size shapes
Multi-gradient shapes

I'd like to create a shape that's like the following image: Notice the top half gradients from color 1 to color 2, …

android gradient shapes
Android: How can I use the layer-list and shape elements to draw a horizontal rule when set as background?

I want to set the background of a Relative or LinearLayout to a custom drawable. I want the shape to …

android shapes
Drawing multiple shapes with ShapeDrawable in xml with Android

I am currently drawing a number of circles on a canvas in a custom view in code. the circles are …

android xml drawable shapes
Two Rectangles intersection

I have two rectangles characterized by 4 values each : Left position X, top position Y, width W and height H: X1, …

algorithm math pseudocode shapes
How do I draw lines using XNA?

I've read a bunch of tutorials involving XNA (and it's various versions) and I still am a little confused on …

drawing xna lines primitive shapes