Top "Nib" questions

How to remove programmatically a tab bar item created in parent class NIB file?

Within my iPhone application I have a common tab bar with three tabs that is presented from several views after …

iphone ios4 uitabbar nib uitabbaritem
NSViewController and multiple subviews from a Nib

I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around loading views with Interface Builder and NSViewController. My goal is to …

cocoa interface-builder nib nsviewcontroller
How to replace RootViewController in "Navigation-based application"

I have an application that uses the "navigation-based application" template in XCode. Now I want to change it so that …

objective-c xcode interface-builder xib nib
Cannot zoom in and out of nib in the new Interface Builder

Have I missed something obvious or is it not possible to zoom freely in and out of an open nib …

xcode interface-builder xcode4 zoom nib
How can I programmatically access UI elements in a NIB without 'wiring' them?

I'm contemplating writing some helper functions to make it easier to do simple changes to the UI elements in my …

iphone interface-builder nib
How to load a UIView from a NIB?

I have been using UIViewControllers and initWithNibName with much success, basically using them as a convenient way to design the …

iphone objective-c uiview nib
Xcode "-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the nib but the view outlet was not set." error

I'm using Xcode 4 and when I run my app, the first screen doesn't load. It fails in the simulators and …

iphone xcode xcode4 xib nib
Error code: Could not load the "image.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "com.bundle.identifier"

This question has been asked before and i have looked in all of the other stackoverflow topics for an answer, …

ios iphone xcode nib
How to convert a NIB-based project to a Storyboard-based?

I'm using storyboard (this is completely new!). How do I import my existing xib files and integrate them onto a …

ios xcode storyboard nib
Using XCode storyboard to instantiate view controller that uses XIB for its design

I have a UIViewController subclass that I created previously that had its controls laid out in a XIB file. I'd …

xcode storyboard xib nib