Top "Nib" questions

How to close a window (unload a NIB)?

I have a custom NSWindowController subclass that loads a NIB file during initialization like this: self = [super initWithNibNamed:@"myNib"]; if (…

cocoa nib nswindowcontroller
Swift 3 Load xib. NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed return Bool

I was trying to figure out how to create a custom view using xib files. In this question the next …

cocoa swift3 xib nsview nib
View outlet was not set? (Xcode)

When trying to run my iPhone app that I am currently building the build succeeds but the application crashes after …

iphone xcode uiviewcontroller nib viewcontroller
How do I get the nib Name of a UIViewControl object from the storyboard

I am trying to define a variable in a property within a UIViewControl class. The variable is a reference for …

ios swift uiviewcontroller nib