Top "Ngx-bootstrap" questions

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Angular use modal dialog in canDeactivate Guard service for unsubmitted changes (Form dirty)

In my Angular 4 application I have some components with a form, like this: export class MyComponent implements OnInit, FormComponent { form: …

angular typescript ngx-bootstrap confirm-dialog angular-guards
Angular 6 and bootstrap 4: date picker

I have a form which contain a date picker / calender, email, city name and hotel name, I want a user …

html twitter-bootstrap datepicker bootstrap-4 ngx-bootstrap
difference between ngx-bootstrap and ng2 bootstrap?

I'm making project in bootstrap (UI) and angular 2. I'm new to both things My friend suggests me to use ng2 …

angular ng2-bootstrap ngx-bootstrap
How to center an ngx-bootstrap modal

Trying to center this ngx-boostrap modal using CSS like this but it's not working:{ display: flex; justify-content: …

css angular centering ngx-bootstrap ngx-bootstrap-modal
Way to add custom class when using ngx-bootstrap modalService

When looking to the ngx-bootstrap source code here: modal-options.class.ts There is an optional class property defined as class?: …

css angular ngx-bootstrap ngx-bootstrap-modal
How pass data from ModalService into component

I'm trying to use ngx-bootstrap-modal to pass data from a modal service into a modal component. The examples show this: …

angular typescript ngx-bootstrap ngx-bootstrap-modal
Angular - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'ngx-bootstrap/modal'

I have installed ngx-bootstrap using the command npm install ngx-bootstrap --save but still when i am trying to build the …

ngx-bootstrap ngx-bootstrap-modal
(ngx-bootstrap) Close a modal that has been created with a component programmatically

I have an Angular 5 application using ngx-bootstrap. I create two modals using the Modal Component. I need to close the …

angular ngx-bootstrap ngx-bootstrap-modal
ngx-bootstrap for angular - datepicker how do i change the theme color when nothing seems to work

I'm trying to change the color of the datepicker and it is not working Here is the ngx-bootstrap datepicker https://…

javascript angular datepicker ngx-bootstrap
ngx-bootstrap datepicker option to pick only month and a year

I'm using ngx-botstrap BsDatepickerModule for my application form and I have a requirement to pick only a month. Does anyone …

angular ngx-bootstrap