Top "Ngx-bootstrap" questions

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"let-" is only supported on ng-template elements

I am trying to get my frontend-application(Angular5.1.x) to run but it stops due to template parse error: "let-" …

html angular npm frontend ngx-bootstrap
Angular 5 ngx-bootstrap form validation

I'm reading Ari Lerner's ng-book on Angular 5. I'm using ngx-bootstrap and Bootstrap 4. Form validation doesn't seem to be working the …

angular bootstrap-4 ngx-bootstrap
How to use ngx-bootstrap typeahead with async httpclient call

I'm attempting to populate nxg-bootstrap typeahead with async results from a rest backend in Angular 4. Their site has an example (…

javascript angular bootstrap-4 ngx-bootstrap
How to get access to `BsModalRef` in opened modal component?

I'm quite new to Angular 4.I have been working on Angular 1.5.x and now converting same application in Angular 4 with …

angularjs angular ng2-bootstrap modalpopup ngx-bootstrap
ngx-bootstrap modal - access data passed into modal via bsModalRef.content

I am using angular 4 and ngx-bootstrap to open modals. All is working well, and I implement modals via a component. …

angular bootstrap-modal ngx-bootstrap
Global configuration of ngx-bootstrap datepicker format

Is it possible to globally configure a date format for the ngx-bootstrap datepicker? The documentation mentions the BsDatepickerConfig class and …

Is there a way to get the active tab with ngxbootstrap?

I'm developing an Angular app using the ngx tabs : <div class="modal-body"> <tabset> <tab heading="1"&…

angular ngx-bootstrap
Bootstrap dropdown using ngx-bootstrap

I would have installed ngx-bootstrap in angular2 by using below command npm install ngx-bootstrap bootstrap --save included below lines in …

angular typescript ngx-bootstrap
ngx-bootstrap - Timepicker popup for input

I'm using the time-picker component from ngx-bootsrap and I want to include the time-picker to an input box as follows. (…

angular typescript ngx-bootstrap
ngx-bootstrap dropdown not opening angular 4 bootstrap 4

I can't figure out what's going on here - I've included ngx-dropdown code that I believe is correct based on …

angular bootstrap-4 ngx-bootstrap