Top "Ng-repeat" questions

The `ngRepeat` directive instantiates a template once per item from a collection.

AngularJS ng-repeat with data from service

Originally in my app, I created controllers with very basic $http calls to get a resource by getting the ID …

service angularjs apply resolve ng-repeat
Based on country selected , need to populate state and city

HTML: <label for="country">Country *</label> <select id="country" ng-model="statessource" ng-options="country for (country, …

angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat ng-repeat angularjs-ng-options
two way binding not working with ng-repeat

I have a simple ng-repeat list, in which i am assigning current list item value to another property on the …

javascript angularjs ng-repeat angular-ngmodel 2-way-object-databinding
Changing value of a boolean using ng-click used inside a ng-repeat

I am displaying some data on my html page inside a div using ng-repeat. Inside the div I have a …

angularjs ng-repeat ng-show
angular ng-repeat expressions as variables

I'm trying to do something like this: <ul> <li ng-repeat="{{myRepeatExpression}}">{{}}</li> &…

angularjs expression directive ng-repeat
Angular directive with ng-repeat, ng-show "Show more" and lazy-load

I use this directive, iterating over an array "myArr", filtering for a few conditions. <myDirective myData='item' ng-repeat="item …

javascript angularjs directive ng-repeat
ng-switch and ng-repeat on the same element interfearing

I encountered behaviour in Angular I did not expect and the purpose of this post is to find out whether …

angularjs ng-repeat ng-switch
Update value of an input text when an option is selected with angularjs

I have my controller in angularjs with a array app.controller('player', function($scope) { $scope.players = [ { "id":3, "name":"Nadal", }, { "id":4, "…

angularjs angularjs-scope ng-repeat ng-controller ng-app
Angularjs disabling drop down

I have a ui in which based on the selection of one drop down another dropdown should be disabled. Both …

angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat ng-repeat angular-ngmodel angularjs-ng-model
using class and ng-class together

Here I am facing a problem when applying regular element class and ng-class together. In my code ng-class css property …

html angularjs ng-repeat ng-class