Top "Ng-bind" questions

The ngBind attribute tells Angular to replace the text content of the specified HTML element with the value of a given expression, and to update the text content when the value of that expression changes.

What's the difference between ng-model and ng-bind

I'm currently learning AngularJS and am having difficulty understanding the difference between ng-bind and ng-model. Can anyone tell me how …

angularjs angular-ngmodel ng-bind
AngularJS : Why ng-bind is better than {{}} in angular?

I was in one of the angular presentation and one of the person in the meeting mentioned ng-bind is better …

javascript angularjs ng-bind
AngularJS really slow at rendering with about 2000 elements?

Here's the fiddle: It renders the following: <div ng-repeat="group in Model.Groups"&…

javascript angularjs performance pageload ng-bind
Add more text after using a filter in ng-bind in angularjs

So I want to put a variable through a filter inthe ng-bind directive ng-bind="input | filter" but I want to …

angularjs ng-bind angular-filters
AngularJS ng-bind with a function

I want to show a table format for the Attachments section. I have the lookup and results data. Both have …

angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat ng-bind
Default value of input textbox in AngularJS

How do I set the default value of an input textbox in AngularJS so that it can be altered later? …

angularjs ng-bind angularjs-ng-value
Escaping & > characters in ng-bind in AngularJs

I have a use case, where we can have '&' and '>' characters in a string. …

javascript html angularjs ng-bind
bind multiple values using ng-bind

Can I bind multiple values using ng-bind like so : <p ng-bind="instructor.first_name instructor.last_name"></…

javascript angularjs ng-bind
Difference between ngBind, ngBindHtm & ngBindTemplate in Angular JS

I'm new to Angular JS. Can any one of you guys explain me the difference between ngBind,ngBindHtm & ngBindTemplate …

angularjs ng-bind-html ng-bind
ng-bind-html doesnt work for Input tags

I am trying to store a HTML inside a scope variable and then use it in template view. When I …

javascript angularjs ng-bind-html ng-bind ngsanitize