Top "Ng-bind" questions

The ngBind attribute tells Angular to replace the text content of the specified HTML element with the value of a given expression, and to update the text content when the value of that expression changes.

binding locator in Protractor

I have a problem with ng-binding locator in Protractor code: <h1 class="blackText ng-binding">some_link</h1&…

protractor ng-bind
Set Default Value to ng-bind in HTML

I'd like to set a default value to scope, which is picked up by ng-bind. I am doing this like: &…

angularjs angularjs-ng-init ng-bind
AngularJS ng-bind needs to show variable + "string"

I've created an ng-bind element in my template, which displays a number rounded by one decimal. How do I add …

angularjs ng-bind
AngularJS append text to ng-bind with filter

I have this code (output=1,000): <span ng-bind"item.num | number : 0"></span> But i want something like 1,000 …

angularjs filter angular-filters ng-bind
Angular.js 1.3 One-time binding in ng-bind

In Angular.js 1.3 I can do a one time binding with: {{::name}} But how may I use this in ng-bind? …

angularjs ng-bind
Angular changing button text on click

I am working on a game where I need to let the user choose the next level upon completion of …

angularjs angular-ngmodel ng-bind