Top "Nestedscrollview" questions

Collapsing toolbar and nestedscrollview not scrolling smoothly

Nested scroll view scrolls smoothly on scrolling down but on scroll up it is sluggish.Collapsing toolbar(with an image …

android android-support-library android-appbarlayout nestedscrollview android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
Espresso testing NestedScrollView - "Error performing 'scroll to' on view 'with id:"

I need to scroll down through my NestedScrollView in order to test my xml file with Espresso, but I get …

java android testing android-espresso nestedscrollview
Recyclerview inside scrollview- How to scroll whole content?

I am having Recyclerview inside Scrollview <Scrollview xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="…

android android-recyclerview nestedscrollview
Endless load more recyclerview inside nested scroll android

I have Recyclerview inside the nestedscrollview and I want to scroll the nestedscrollview to the buttom display loading and load …

android infinite-scroll nestedscrollview endlessscroll
Dealing With RecyclerView, NestedScrollView, and CardView

I'm going to achieve this UI in my App: Well, Some ways that I tried before: 1. Using CollapsingToolbarLayout I put …

android android-recyclerview android-collapsingtoolbarlayout android-appbarlayout nestedscrollview
Recycler view + View Pager + Nested ScrollView + CoordinatorLayout

I am working on a layout such that the ViewPager holding a fragment that contains recycler view is placed in …

android android-viewpager android-recyclerview android-coordinatorlayout nestedscrollview