Top "Nestedscrollview" questions

WebView inside NestedScrollView cannot be scrolled

I've got an activity that use WebView to load the web content. The problem arise when I want to implement …

android webview material-design nestedscrollview
NestedScrollView scrolls to top on Recyclerview resized

I have a NestedScrollView containing a LinearLayout and a RecyclerView (both inside a RelativeLayout). < …

android android-recyclerview nestedscrollview
Smoothy scroll to Child in NestedScrollView

I have expandable views inside CardView thats parent is NestedScrollView. I'm trying to create smooth scroll to child when expand …

android nestedscrollview
Hide a Floating Action Button of another Layout

I have a FloatingActionButton inside of may activity_main.xml layout which is named fabBtn. My application is built with …

java android floating-action-button nestedscrollview
Android RecyclerView with CollapsingToolbarLayout smooth scroll issue

I want to use CollapsingToolbarLayoutwith RecyclerView, like Whatsapp. Here is the captured video : So when …

android android-recyclerview android-collapsingtoolbarlayout nestedscrollview
RecyclerView does not Recycling Views when use it inside NestedScrollView

I'm using RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView. Also i set setNestedScrollingEnabled to false for recyclerview to support lower API ViewCompat.setNestedScrollingEnabled(mRecyclerView, …

android android-recyclerview nestedscrollview recycle
How to show the Scrollbar in a NestedScrollView

Hey i implemented a NestedScrollView in an Activity, but i cant show the scrollbar like i do in a ScrollView, …

android mobile scrollbar scrollview nestedscrollview
How to determine if a NestedScrollView is scrolled to the end and is idle?

Tried that : NestedScrollView ns =(NestedScrollView) findViewById(; ns.setOnScrollChangeListener(new NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener() { @Override public void onScrollChange(NestedScrollView …

android scrollview android-scrollview nestedscrollview android-nestedscrollview
Scrollview Not working for Cardview

I have been working on a app, but stuck in a xml layout issue, the scrollview I usually use is …

android xml android-layout scrollview nestedscrollview
RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView Android

Iam trying to place a RecyclerView inside a NestedScrollView. The problem is that if I place the RecyclerView inside a …

android android-recyclerview android-design-library nestedscrollview