Top "Mysql-json" questions


How to search JSON data in MySQL?

I have inserted records in mysql DB, with json encoded data type, Now I have to make search within json …

mysql json mysql-json
How to search JSON array in MySQL?

Let's say I have a JSON column named data in some MySQL table, and this column is a single array. …

mysql mysql-json
How to update JSON data type column in MySQL 5.7.10?

I have started using MySQL 5.7.10 recently and I am liking the native JSON Data type a lot. But I ran …

mysql json mysql-5.7 mysql-json
Should I use blob or text for JSON in MySQL?

I am planning to store a json_encoded string on my database. I can't precisely tell the length its going …

mysql text blob mysql-json
JSON vs. Serialized Array in database

What are the advantages and disadvantages of storing JSON data in MySQL database vs. serialized array?

php mysql serialization mysql-json
MySQL 5.7.12 import cannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET 'binary'

I exported my database with JSON columns in it. After I migrated to a new server, my import crashed every …

mysql json import mysql-json
Using MySQL JSON field to join on a table

I have a json field that stores a list of ids (not best practice here I know), I want to …

mysql json mysql-json
Query a JSON column with an array of object in MySQL

I have a json column with the follow array: [ { "id": "24276e4b-de81-4c2c-84e7-eed9c3582a31", "key": "…

mysql mysql-json
Chaining JSON_EXTRACT with CAST or STR_TO_DATE fails

I'm trying to extract a datetime from a JSONFIELD "data" in MySQL. If I do a simple JSON_EXTRACT however, …

mysql sql json database mysql-json
MySQL 5.7+, JSON_SET value in nested path

For a recent development project, we're using MySQL 5.7, so we can take advantages of the latest JSON-functions... I'm building an …

php mysql json mysql-json